Act Now to Protect Your Roof This Winter

Colorado is notorious for its wintertime freeze-and-thaw cycles. They ruin our roads, causing cracks and potholes. They even splinter our mountains, sending rocks and boulders tumbling onto highways and the cars driving on them, sometimes as large as the cars themselves. And they can wreck roofs and gutters,…

Low on Juice? We Have Solutions

Homes built before the latter part of the 20th century typically had a 100-amp power supply. Older homes often have only 60 amps. Newer homes may have 125-amp service, but with the rise in electrification even that may not be enough if the latest electrical equipment and appliances…

Backup Power Needs Keep Growing

If you’re one of the thousands of people who’ve had their power cut off with little or no warning this year, you’ve learned—sometimes the hard way—how important it is to have a backup plan. It’s a growing trend and only promises to get worse as weather, demand, and…

Change of Seasons Brings Electrifying Opportunities

The summer rush has ended, kids are back in school, and the holiday hustle has yet to begin. So why not take advantage of the seasonal lull to tackle some leftover projects or plan new ones? Even better, most contractors see a brief slowdown around Labor Day, so…