Pumpkin Spotting

It’s not even Labor Day, and there are already reports of pumpkin spotting. Not the real deal maturing in the garden, but decorative Halloween pumpkin yard décor.

Having been house-bound, home-schooled, working from home for months on end due to COVID-19, the people are ready to celebrate and…

What’s Switching Gonna Save?

The average residential Xcel electric bill in Denver is $78.01/month. Of that maybe 3 to 5% of represents use of lightbulbs. But the remaining 95% of the bill is for other electrical appliances.

Sure, you will cut your electrical bill by switching to LED lightbulbs and LED fixtures…a…

Trending 2020

If you thought art was art and lighting was lighting, think again.

Today the two words and functions are synonymous.

Wicker, wood bead, glass, feather, paper, even concrete are profound eye-catchers on ceiling and wall light fixtures. The more extravagant, the better.

The key, according to top international…

Power: Strip, Surge, Extension Safety

Used properly, a power strip doesn’t necessarily create a hazard. But power strips can become fire-starters used improperly.

Then there’s the issue of daisy-chaining. Daisy-chaining power strips together by plugging multiples into each other is simply asking for trouble. It’s a violation of most safety codes.

Put your…

Outer Limits Of Power

Living in the inner city, homeowners complain that street people plug into exterior outlets to charge up their cell phones. Not only is it disturbing to find a stranger tucked up against the side of your house connected to your electrical outlet, but it can allow opportunity to…

What People Want

Coronavirus has changed what people want from businesses at least in the short run.

An attorney reports that clients on both sides of deals are engaging his services to terminate agreements, walking away from agreements made pre-covid that now are being tested.

A website development company reports that…