100 Days and Counting

Nearly 100 days ago, Colorado Governor Polis issued Shelter in Place orders. Some workers toted home a legal box filled with topmost project notes. It seemed like it would be a brief time relegated to working from home…until it wasn’t.

Staples and Best Buy reported surges in work-from-home…

Get Out! After The Lockdown

When the stay-at-home orders lift, and they will, people won’t emerge slowly out of their homes. They’ll run. They’ll head right to the back yard.

But they will still be cautious and more aware of their outdoor surroundings than prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

The secure sense of…

Plugging In The New Board Room

On a business call last week, I was on the receiving end of a dialog that went like this: “Agreed. Let’s get this next phase completed…just a minute…stop kicking each other. Otto, do you want a time out. You sit there on that end of the sofa. Calvi,…

Electricians Are Essential

THE U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a directive March 19, 2020 identifying essential critical infrastructure workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Electricians are included as critical workers including, of course, Allstar Electrical.

The directive states that the list of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers should continue normal operations, appropriately…

Allstar Electrical Service and Coronavirus

Like many other businesses, the Allstar Electrical team has spent the last several days learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world. That means understanding how it affects our employees, customers and communities, and making any necessary adjustments to our work and operations.


How Will the Coronavirus Affect the Electrical Grid?

Of all the things in short supply during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, electric power isn’t among them. And fortunately, it isn’t likely to happen.

At the same time, US utility operators are observing government guidelines to control the spread of the disease by encouraging (or requiring) employees who…