Ceiling Fans: They’re Not Just for Summer

Lots of Coloradans take advantage of our cool summer evenings by switching the AC off and letting a ceiling fan or two cool them down with a gentle breeze. It’s a great way to save on electricity costs and lower your carbon footprint.

But did you know that…

Go Green, Save Green, Get Green

Seems that everywhere you turn these days, someone is telling you to abandon fossil fuels like gasoline and natural gas and switch to energy-saving electrical products and services. It may be a friend, your HOA, your utility company, or even more likely, your local, state, or federal government.

Pump That Heat Away

Hot Enough for You? As of this writing, the Front Range is going through a three-day heat wave of temperatures well above 100° F. And there’s likely more to come. So if you’d rather be comfortable in your home or office, why not just pump the heat away?

A Fresh Look. A Fresh Outlook

Chances are even if you’re one of the thousands of Allstar customers, you’ve never been to our offices and operations center. You see our trucks and meet our staff when they arrive at your home or business ready to work, evaluate, or bid on your project. And much…

AC Need Repair? Read This First

Is your air conditioner showing its age? Has it given up altogether? If so, do yourself a favor and read this article before you commit to expensive repairs or replacement.

Colorado’s clear skies and altitude can take a toll on air conditioning systems. With increasing demand, compressors can…

Don’t be Shocked by Your New EV

You’ve probably heard that many first-time electric vehicle (EV) owners say they regret their purchase. But dig deeper and you’ll find that most of that disappointment is the result of not knowing the proper care and feeding of an electric vehicle.

The complaints tend to focus on three…