Choosing the Right Heat Pump for Your Home or Business

It seems that heat pump technology is changing faster than the weather, which is good since we live in Colorado and know how important it is to deal the most effectively with our freaky forecasts.

But if you’re considering a heat pump for your central HVAC system or…

Backup Power Importance Grows as Blackouts Loom

We’ve discussed how increasing demand on the electrical grid from electric vehicles and appliances risks brownouts and interruptions, but this spring a new twist was added—shutdowns to mitigate the risk of fire damage.

Xcel Energy cut off power to 56,000 homes and businesses in northwest Denver and suburbs…

Landscape Lighting Adds Beauty and Functionality

With the coming of spring and the promise of spectacular summers to follow, Coloradans look forward to getting the most out of their outdoor spaces. And one of the favorites is their own back yard.

Show off your landscape with lighting for features like ponds, fountains, plantings, and…

Get Whole-House Backup Power…While You Still Can

We’re 100% behind the move toward electrification. It’s cleaner than coal, gas, and petroleum. New and emerging technologies are making it more efficient and sometimes even less expensive, especially as alternative sources of electricity become more available. And it’s reliable—usually.

But as we become more dependent on electricity…

Get Ready for Outdoor Living

There’s no season more seductive than springtime in the Rockies. It even inspired a hit song in the 30s from a movie of the same name. But like the flirt it is, spring can tempt with warm, sunny days followed by several inches of wet, heavy snow, causing…

Plan Ahead for Electrification

Moving away from gas-fired appliances is a trend that’s building, and one that’s not likely to slow down anytime soon. It may be a matter of choosing to be more environmentally friendly, or it may be forced on you by your local government.

Cities like Denver, Boulder, and…