Are You Ready for Spring Storms?

Each spring we remind readers that winter isn’t the only time that weather emergencies occur. Colorado has the second-highest number of lightning strikes in the nation, surpassed only by Florida. The state ranked third in the highest number of large hailstorms in 2014, and the Front Range has…

Rebates Save on Summer Electric Bills

Most utility companies in the US offer rebates on energy-saving upgrades and some of them can be substantial. For instance, Xcel Energy, the primary energy provider in Colorado and seven other Western and Midwestern states has programs that subsidize insulation, cooling equipment, and thermostat upgrades. Here’s what they…

Electrical Updates for Summer Enjoyment

The outdoor living season is just around the corner, so take time to do a walkaround of your home and make a list of projects to add extra enjoyment to your summer.

Winter can take a toll on outdoor fixtures. Repair or replace any damaged porch,…

Call 811 Instead of 911

What a difference a digit can make! As the weather warms up and our attention turns to outdoor projects, it’s important to pay attention to hidden dangers. And some of those hazards are right under your feet.

Many utility lines are underground, especially in newer neighborhoods, but even…

Earth Day Savings Start at Home

Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has grown to a global reminder that we humans are a large part of our planet’s ecosystem and that each of us has a role to play in keeping it healthy and sustainable. While opinions vary widely on large-scale approaches to…

Disaster Preparedness is Electrical Safety Month Theme

In celebration of 2019’s Electrical Safety Month this May, the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is focusing on the importance of preparing for, surviving, and rebuilding after natural disasters with the theme "Electrical Safety During Natural Disasters."

ESFI spearheads an annual campaign to educate key audiences about the…