Electrical Safety Tips for Fall

Fall is a busy time for homeowners. The calendar is full of school activities, fall sports are in high gear, and pre-winter yardwork looms on the schedule. While it may be tempting to rush through your fall chores, haste can not only make waste, it can be downright…

Smart Homes: How Hackers Strike Your Home

As we load our homes with smart thermostats, remote access, and disembodied voices inside boxes that are always listening, these internet-connected devices offer increasing pathways for digital intruders to break into our homes. And they do it often without leaving a sign until mysterious charges appear on our…

Is It Time for an Electrical Upgrade?

If your home is more than a couple of decades old, your electrical system may be straining under the load of modern appliances and electronics. This can lead to annoying trips to the breaker box, interference with both wireless and wired signals, and even serious safety hazards.


September is National Preparedness Month

Winter brings on a host of challenges for homeowners. They range from winterizing your house for comfort and energy savings to having a plan in case disaster strikes.

The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) designates each September as National Preparedness Month to remind us that we need to…

Is Your Smart Home Vulnerable to Brain Damage?

Surge protectors aren’t just for computers anymore

You’ve probably had your computer hooked to a surge-protected power strip for years. Maybe even some of your other electronics. But how about your refrigerator?

Today’s so-called smart homes are loaded with sensitive electronics that can be ruined by a lightning…

Your Outlet Has a Story to Tell

You probably don’t give a second thought when you plug in an appliance to a wall outlet. And that’s a good thing because it means outlets in the US are mostly standardized and safe. But not always and not everywhere. Let’s take a look.

The National Electrical Manufacturers…