Upgrade Your Bathroom Electrical for Extra Pleasure and Comfort

Bathroom upgrades are one of the most popular reno/remodel projects, and suppliers are ready to cater to your every whim. The whirlpool tubs of the 70s have given way to a new level of luxury unimaginable in the days of 8-tracks and pet rocks.

The 21st Century Bathroom

5 Easy Tips For Lowering Your Winter Energy Bills

Colorado winters are unpredictable. Temperatures can swing over a 100-degree range in January and February, and while playing a round of golf on Valentine’s Day isn’t unheard of, you can be assured that there will be bone-chilling periods, too.

With energy costs predicted to rise between 8 and…

Smart Light Bulbs Are Here

By now you know that low-energy bulbs like compact fluorescents and LEDs save electricity and last longer. But did you know that there are light bulbs that turn off and on and even dim themselves when you tell them to?

No, we’re not talking about a “Clapper” or…

Winter Vacation Planning Tips

Whether you’re visiting relatives for the holidays or making a pilgrimage to warmer climes for the winter, here are some tips on how to make your home safe while you’re away and pleasant to return to.

Disconnect Energy-Wasting Electrical Appliances

Modern appliances usually draw some electrical current even…

Countertop Appliances Can Save You Money

Chances are you’ll be spending a lot of time in the kitchen over the holidays. And more cooking time means more energy consumption. It takes a lot of energy to boil liquids or roast meat and vegetables. Rather than heat up a burner or large oven for small…

The Right Way to Hang Outdoor Holiday Lights

If you’ve already hung your holiday lights, good for you. You’re one of those people who gets things done. And we presume you did it safely, or you wouldn’t be reading this. But in case you haven’t gotten around to it yet, or would like to see if…