
Buying a New HVAC System? Read This First!

If you’re thinking of replacing your old furnace or air conditioner, don’t overlook the comfort and savings with a new heat pump.

By Michael McClanahan

Yes, these all-in-one, all-electric systemsboth heat and cool your home (or office) more comfortably and efficiently than typical furnaces and air conditioners. And with…

Got the Winter Blahs? Upgrade Your Lighting!

Winter got you down? Frigid temperatures, long nights, and soaring utility bills can take the spring out of anyone’s step. They can even lead to a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs during certain seasons of the year, typically in the fall…

Advanced Cold-Climate Heat Pumps Are Here

Since the promotion of heat pumps as energy-efficient heating and cooling systems ramped up a few years ago, people in cold-winter climates like Colorado’s have been concerned about their performance when temperatures plummet. News sources are full of conflicting reports with some cold European countries claiming they work…

Ceiling Fans: They’re Not Just for Summer

Lots of Coloradans take advantage of our cool summer evenings by switching the AC off and letting a ceiling fan or two cool them down with a gentle breeze. It’s a great way to save on electricity costs and lower your carbon footprint.

But did you know that…

AC Need Repair? Read This First

Is your air conditioner showing its age? Has it given up altogether? If so, do yourself a favor and read this article before you commit to expensive repairs or replacement.

Colorado’s clear skies and altitude can take a toll on air conditioning systems. With increasing demand, compressors can…

Electrical Safety Importance Grows

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace, designates each May as National Electrical Safety Month. Its 2024 campaign features new and updated resources to encourage electrical safety awareness for families, businesses, and…

Backup Power Importance Grows as Blackouts Loom

We’ve discussed how increasing demand on the electrical grid from electric vehicles and appliances risks brownouts and interruptions, but this spring a new twist was added—shutdowns to mitigate the risk of fire damage.

Xcel Energy cut off power to 56,000 homes and businesses in northwest Denver and suburbs…

Landscape Lighting Adds Beauty and Functionality

With the coming of spring and the promise of spectacular summers to follow, Coloradans look forward to getting the most out of their outdoor spaces. And one of the favorites is their own back yard.

Show off your landscape with lighting for features like ponds, fountains, plantings, and…

Wintry Blast Shows the Value of Home EV Chargers

Every now and then, Mother Nature reminds us of how cold it can get in Colorado. For the Denver area, the weekend of January 13-15 saw below-zero temperatures for over 33 consecutive hours. That same weekend, Chicago saw double-digits below zero and electric vehicle (EV) owners learned how…

New Year’s Electrical Resolutions

Don’t overlook your home’s electrical system when it comes to making a list of New Year's resolutions. With the busy holiday season behind you and the weather trapping you indoors, now is a perfect time to look back on the things you noticed that you would have liked…

Incentives for Electrifying in 2024

The push to cut carbon emissions has led to many government agencies and utilities to continue offering attractive incentives to switch to electric options in 2024. They range from federal and state tax credits to cash rebates for qualifying purchases. Here’s a look at what’s on tap for…

Time to Upgrade Your Outdoor Lighting?

Whether you’re taking your outdoor holiday lighting down right away or leaving it up through the National Western Stock Show—a Denver tradition—keep a lookout for ways to make your home’s exterior safer and more attractive by repairing and upgrading your exterior lighting.

Repairs and Maintenance

Broken globes and…

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Kitchen?

It’s just a matter of weeks before the holidays arrive and kitchens across the country will be full of the tantalizing aromas we associate with them. Are you sure your kitchen will be ready for the extra workload?


Modern Appliances Can Overload Older Kitchens

Homes older than…

The Pros and Cons of Portable Generators

It’s a rare fall (or spring) when Coloradans don’t lose power. Heavy, wet fall and spring snowstorms wreak havoc on overhead power lines, from falling branches or simply their own weight. Many locals choose gasoline-powered portable generators to get them through the occasional weather woes, and those are…

The Risks and Rewards of Home EV Charging

Recent news accounts have shown that improperly installed and operated home electric vehicle chargers can result in catastrophic fires and explosions. In most, if not all, cases these tragedies are preventable with the right installation and attention to detail—both by the homeowner and the installer. And that’s…

Home EV Charging is Cheaper…and Safer

Recent deals with Tesla by Ford and GM, along with expansion of the nation’s charging network, have made filling up your electric vehicle (EV) more convenient, but that convenience comes with a price.

Just like commercial gas stations need to make a profit in order to stay in…

Use Heat Pumps to Cool Your Home

If your pre-season air conditioner inspection shows it’s time to consider a replacement, take a look at a heat pump. That’s right, a heat pump.

Heat Pumps Aren’t Just for Heating

Heat pumps are suffering from an identity crisis. While they do, in fact, pump heat around, they…

Electrical Upgrades Add Outdoor Summer Enjoyment

Spring has finally sprung and Colorado residents are looking forward to enjoying their patios, decks, yards, and gardens when the warm weather settles in.

Now’s the time to plan ahead for adding to that enjoyment with electrical upgrades and maintenance.

Repairs and Maintenance
Winter can take a…

Your Spring Home Checklist

The signs are all around us. Daylight Saving Time is here and first day of spring is barely a week away.
Of course Coloradans know that the coming warmer weather will be interrupted with March and April snowstorms, but there will be plenty of opportunities to break…

Denver’s New Codes – The Gives and Takes

The City and County of Denver adopted a new set of building, fire, and “green” codes in 2022 as part of three planned updates scheduled through 2027. In discussing implementation of the new rules, the city council voted to delay requiring residents to electrify their homes…for the time…

Edison—one of several names that matter

When you think of electricity the name Edison might come to mind.

He’s the man credited with harnessing current (not as in “timely” but the science behind it) electricity in the manner to become widely used (over 70% of the market) and affordable. It was 1878 when Edison…

The Freeze Is On…Again

Only hours ago, on24-October 2022, Denver temps fell to 31 degrees and a trace of snow was spotted on the ground at the official weather station at Denver International Airport. It was just five months to the day of the late spring snowstorm May 21 that left 210,000…

Heating Season is Here. Are You Ready?

Cold weather has a way of sneaking up in Colorado. One day it’s 90 degrees and the next it struggles to get out of the 50s. Can frost and snow be far behind?

If you haven’t done it already, it’s time to take a look at how prepared…

The 4 Biggest Energy Users in Your Home—and Ways to Save

According to the US Energy Information Administration, the average annual electricity consumption in 2020 for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,715 kilowatt hours (kWh) or about 893 kWh per month. At 14,400 kWh per customer, Louisiana had the highest annual consumption and Hawaii had the lowest at…

Keep Your Home Safe While Vacationing

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer and this year pent-up vagabonds promise to make this the heaviest travel season in years. If you’re among the millions heading out this summer, keep your home safe and secure during your absence by following these tips before you leave…

Electric Vehicle Home Chargers Save Big Bucks

If you’re juicing up your electric vehicle (EV) at a commercial charging station, you could be paying a lot. In fact, a recent article in the newsletter Torque News, a writer claimed that at a commercial DC fast charger (DCFC) he paid three times what it cost…

Home Car Chargers Are a Good Investment

How good an investment is an electric vehicle (EV) charger for your home? Pretty good if you consider the return on your investment, regardless of whether you plan on staying put or selling.
Let’s look at both scenarios.

Home EV Chargers for Long-Term Savings
Electric vehicle…

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Businesses

Electric vehicles are here to stay. What used to be a niche market for urban commuters with limited needs has morphed into an ever-expanding variety of electric-powered vehicles from sport cars to semis. According to industry sources, 90% of commercial fleet managers believe electric vehicles are the wave…

The Gift Of Electrical Needed

This holiday season likely exponentially increased your electrical needs. Mine did. I got the Catch:2 Essentials multi-device wireless charging wrapped in designer-quality Belgian Linen that charges multiple devices at one time. It looks like art on my desk and, of course, it needs to plug in.

I also…

Floor Outlets For Your Castle

In 1604, Sir Edward Coke declared “the house of every one is to him as his Castle.” Time shortens all. The saying is today, “a man's home is his castle”.

Trending today in home “castles” are open floorplans. Very 2021. With expansive great rooms and living rooms. Houzz.com…

Energy Saving Alternatives to AC

Talk to long-term Coloradans and you’ll surely hear someone say, “Yon don’t need air conditioning in Colorado.” That may sound ridiculous given the recent run of 100°-plus days in the state, but a few days do not an air conditioning season make. Before you invest in a central…

The Pros and Cons of Copper and Aluminum Wiring

There are two types of metal commonly used in wiring: copper and aluminum. They’re chosen for their efficiency, ease of use, and affordability. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and knowing those can help avoid problems that range from annoying to disastrous.

Pros and Cons of Aluminum Wiring

The Most Common Electrical Code Violations DIYers Make

Are you tempted to use some of that extra government cash on DIY projects you’ve been putting off? It’s probably a good idea, but before you tackle any jobs that require electrical work, be sure you understand your local building and electrical codes. They change over time, so…

The Pros Every Homeowner Needs

A recent article in Houzz Magazine pointed out that every homeowner should have a team of repair and maintenance professionals at the ready for home emergencies and projects. And with the number of people moving into and around the Colorado Front Range, plus the thousands choosing to stay…

How “Green” is Work-From-Home?

Working and learning from home may have its downsides—social isolation, boredom, and lethargy among them—but at least it’s good for the environment, right?

Maybe not as much as you think.

Less commuting certainly means less greenhouse gas and toxic emissions from cars on the road, but those savings…


The outdoor living season is just around the corner and this year promises to be special. As COVID restrictions ease, we look forward to a renewal of gathering with family and friends over the summer holidays and weekends.

Now is the time to plan ahead for the warm…

Space Heaters Offer Winter Savings

The year-long COVID pandemic has forced most of us to change our lifestyles—some of us dramatically. Work-from-home has surged and is likely to become much more prevalent than pre-COVID days. Kids have been locked out of most schools for months. And going out, whether to dinner, movies or…

Planning Ahead for a Happier New Year

Most of us will be more than glad to see the end of 2020 and the long pandemic-induced nightmare of a year. But even as we gradually recover, we should pay attention to the lessons learned from the lifestyle changes forced on us—some of which will be enduring.

Is a Home Office Right for You?

According to a recent article in the Denver Post, as many as one in five employers expect that 40% or more of their staff will be working remotely by next spring. That represents a major shift in corporate attitudes in the pre-COVID era. Additionally, many people, especially…

Your Home: Love It or Leave It?

There’s a popular show on HGTV titled “Love It or List It?” that pits a designer/decorator against a realtor to see whether a homeowner likes the reno job enough to stay put after being shown several move-in ready homes in the same price range. The outcome seems to…

HomeAdvisor Gives Seal of Approval to Allstar Electrical

Allstar Electrical Services is proud to announce that we have been certified as an approved contractor by HomeAdvisor, the nation’s premier service for matching homeowners with pre-screened contractors in a wide variety of businesses.

What is Home Advisor?
HomeAdvisor began as ServiceMagic in 1999 as a resource…

Pumpkin Spotting

It’s not even Labor Day, and there are already reports of pumpkin spotting. Not the real deal maturing in the garden, but decorative Halloween pumpkin yard décor.

Having been house-bound, home-schooled, working from home for months on end due to COVID-19, the people are ready to celebrate and…

What’s Switching Gonna Save?

The average residential Xcel electric bill in Denver is $78.01/month. Of that maybe 3 to 5% of represents use of lightbulbs. But the remaining 95% of the bill is for other electrical appliances.

Sure, you will cut your electrical bill by switching to LED lightbulbs and LED fixtures…a…

Power: Strip, Surge, Extension Safety

Used properly, a power strip doesn’t necessarily create a hazard. But power strips can become fire-starters used improperly.

Then there’s the issue of daisy-chaining. Daisy-chaining power strips together by plugging multiples into each other is simply asking for trouble. It’s a violation of most safety codes.

Put your…

What People Want

Coronavirus has changed what people want from businesses at least in the short run.

An attorney reports that clients on both sides of deals are engaging his services to terminate agreements, walking away from agreements made pre-covid that now are being tested.

A website development company reports that…

100 Days and Counting

Nearly 100 days ago, Colorado Governor Polis issued Shelter in Place orders. Some workers toted home a legal box filled with topmost project notes. It seemed like it would be a brief time relegated to working from home…until it wasn’t.

Staples and Best Buy reported surges in work-from-home…

Get Out! After The Lockdown

When the stay-at-home orders lift, and they will, people won’t emerge slowly out of their homes. They’ll run. They’ll head right to the back yard.

But they will still be cautious and more aware of their outdoor surroundings than prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

The secure sense of…

Plugging In The New Board Room

On a business call last week, I was on the receiving end of a dialog that went like this: “Agreed. Let’s get this next phase completed…just a minute…stop kicking each other. Otto, do you want a time out. You sit there on that end of the sofa. Calvi,…

Adding a Car Charging Station to Your Home

As more electric and hybrid cars hit the streets, knowing where to recharge them can become an issue. Unless, that is, you have a charging station at your home or office. And getting one may not be as hard (or expensive) as you think.

Your Home May be…

California Outages Show Backup Power Need

California’s Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) has been cutting power to hundreds of thousands of residents in an attempt to lower wildfire danger from downed power lines. Some people have been without electrical service for several days, creating concerns about food safety, water, and medical needs along with…

Smart Thermostats Save in Summer Too

When people think about thermostat settings it’s usually in the context of saving heating costs in winter. But air conditioning demands in summer can add considerably to your electrical bill, sometimes more than heating does. That’s because in some places electricity costs more per BTU than natural gas.…

Avoid Costly Mistakes with a Mid-Project Walkthrough

Whether it’s a remodel or new construction, scheduling a work-in-progress walkthrough with your architect/designer and subcontractors can avoid annoying and costly re-dos. A careful assessment of electrical and plumbing installations after the framing is up but before drywall is hung lets you confirm that walls, doors, and windows…

Is Your Home a Nest of Spies?

As homeowners add more “smart” devices are they inviting a nest of spies into their private spaces? Recent revelations of hidden microphones, cameras, and digital assistants that constantly eavesdrop make it seem like we’re all living in a Cold War spy movie.

A Nest of Spies

Google acknowledged…

Are You Ready for Spring Storms?

Each spring we remind readers that winter isn’t the only time that weather emergencies occur. Colorado has the second-highest number of lightning strikes in the nation, surpassed only by Florida. The state ranked third in the highest number of large hailstorms in 2014, and the Front Range has…

Rebates Save on Summer Electric Bills

Most utility companies in the US offer rebates on energy-saving upgrades and some of them can be substantial. For instance, Xcel Energy, the primary energy provider in Colorado and seven other Western and Midwestern states has programs that subsidize insulation, cooling equipment, and thermostat upgrades. Here’s what they…

Call 811 Instead of 911

What a difference a digit can make! As the weather warms up and our attention turns to outdoor projects, it’s important to pay attention to hidden dangers. And some of those hazards are right under your feet.

Many utility lines are underground, especially in newer neighborhoods, but even…

Earth Day Savings Start at Home

Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has grown to a global reminder that we humans are a large part of our planet’s ecosystem and that each of us has a role to play in keeping it healthy and sustainable. While opinions vary widely on large-scale approaches to…

April Home Checklist

April is transition time. Basketball gives way to baseball, greenery starts to wake up, and longer days draw our attention to the great outdoors. In Colorado, it also means it can be 80° one day and snowing the next. So while you’re planning for outdoor living to come,…

Three End-of-Winter Projects for Your Home

After months of being trapped in an airtight (more or less) box, you may have noticed some things are different than in warm weather. With doors and windows sealed against the cold, dark nights, furnaces working overtime, and extra cooking and washing, issues with air quality and lighting…

Holiday Home Surprises – And How to Avoid Them

Burnt dinners and family spats can certainly put a damper on holiday enjoyment, but according to the home improvement gurus at HomeAdvisor.com they don’t even make the top five list of unpleasant holiday season surprises.

Here’s their list along with how to prevent them and what to do when…

Internet Safety for the Holidays

Electronic devices are certain to be at the top of most wish lists this holiday season. With so many things connecting to the internet, it’s important to keep your sensitive data safe from the growing numbers of internet predators.

The National Cyber Security Alliance, in coordination with the…

Should You Consider Hiring a Lighting Designer?

The type and placement of lighting is important to the function and enjoyment of a home. It adds drama, affects moods and makes functional areas like kitchens, laundries, and workspaces safer and more efficient. And it’s too often neglected when remodeling or renovating.

A good lighting design includes…

Smart Homes: How Hackers Strike Your Home

As we load our homes with smart thermostats, remote access, and disembodied voices inside boxes that are always listening, these internet-connected devices offer increasing pathways for digital intruders to break into our homes. And they do it often without leaving a sign until mysterious charges appear on our…

Is Your Smart Home Vulnerable to Brain Damage?

Surge protectors aren’t just for computers anymore

You’ve probably had your computer hooked to a surge-protected power strip for years. Maybe even some of your other electronics. But how about your refrigerator?

Today’s so-called smart homes are loaded with sensitive electronics that can be ruined by a lightning…

Tired of Electric Bills? 5 Low-Cost Ways to Stay Cool in the Summer

We have it pretty good here in Colorado, especially during the summer. When the rest of the country is sweltering in 90-degree heat and 80% humidity, even our hottest days are bearable thanks to low humidity and cool evenings. That combination lets us put nature to work for…

Bring a Little Light to Your Nights

Bring a Little Light to Your Nights

There’s not much to complain about summer nights in Colorado. All we’re missing is fireflies, or lightning bugs as they’re called them in the Muggy Midwest. But lightning bugs or not, a little extra lighting can make enjoyment of your outdoor…

GFCI Outlets Required: A Life and Death Matter

You can’t turn on the television these days without running across a home makeover show. How many of the Top 12 home remodeling shows (ranked by Insider online magazine) can you name:

  • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
  • Flip or Flop
  • Flipping Out
  • Property Brothers
  • Love It or List It
  • Design…

Xcel Test Smart Summer Home Savings

Xcel Energy, a utility that serves over 3.5 million customers in eight Western and Midwestern states, has announced a pilot program to test combining smart thermostats with multiple data sources to optimize air conditioning efficiency (and costs) this summer. It’s called the MyHome AC Rewards smart energy program…

Cutting Corners on Remodeling Can Get Expensive

As any fan of renovation or “flip” shows on TV knows, DIY construction is fraught with perils, especially when amateur fixers overestimate their abilities. “You get what you pay for” is as true in home improvement as anywhere, and with so many people choosing to upgrade rather than…

May is Electrical Safety Month

Electricity is an essential part of our lives. It powers everything from the smallest electronics to the largest appliances and tools. And with all that power at our command comes a need to use it safely and responsibly. That’s the idea behind National Electrical Safety Month, a program…

Home is Where the Smart Is. Part 2: Heating, Air Conditioning and Home Comfort

We live in a connected world, and it’s making life easier, safer, and more efficient in a lot of ways. In our series on “smart” homes we’ll talk about the many ways connectivity can work for you.

Today, we look at heating and cooling features that add convenience…

Planning for Spring Home Improvements

A recent article in the Denver Post stated that Denver housing is about to become unaffordable. Citing mortgage tracking service HSH.com, the report says that the income needed to qualify for a mortgage loan for a median-priced home in the city is close to exceeding the median income…

Upgrade Your Bathroom Electrical for Extra Pleasure and Comfort

Bathroom upgrades are one of the most popular reno/remodel projects, and suppliers are ready to cater to your every whim. The whirlpool tubs of the 70s have given way to a new level of luxury unimaginable in the days of 8-tracks and pet rocks.

The 21st Century Bathroom

Countertop Appliances Can Save You Money

Chances are you’ll be spending a lot of time in the kitchen over the holidays. And more cooking time means more energy consumption. It takes a lot of energy to boil liquids or roast meat and vegetables. Rather than heat up a burner or large oven for small…

Shocking Facts About International Travel

The holidays are right around the corner, and for many people that means travelling to exotic locales. And hardly anyone goes anywhere these days without electrical devices of one sort or another.

But electrical service isn’t uniform across borders, so before you melt your charger or turn your…

Is It Time For A Home Theater?

As cold weather drives us indoors, a home theater can be a cozy retreat for entertaining family and friends. And with the holiday season right around the corner, fall’s a great time to add a home theater.

Home theaters can be rooms of their own, or they can…

Installing a Ceiling Fan? Make Sure It’s Done Right!

Ceiling fans are an easy and inexpensive way to add comfort to rooms year-round. They can provide a gentle breeze indoors and out in the summer and can keep cool air evenly distributed around a room. In winter, they keep warm air from collecting near the ceiling, eliminating…

Why Colorado Residents Need Backup Generators

People who live and work in the more remote areas of the high country or eastern plains know that power outages can take a while to resolve. But what about urbanites? True enough, outages are usually dealt with in a relatively short (or at least shorter) time in…

Generator Service: The Electrician vs. The Handyman

Some electrical installation and repair work can be done by someone with a basic understanding of how circuits work. While hazards exist with electrical work of any kind, things like replacing a broken light switch or adding a dimmer are within the capabilities of anyone who can understand…

Summer Electrical Safety Tips for 2017

As the days get warmer and longer, people head outdoors to enjoy the nice weather. As you stroll around the yard and the neighborhood, it’s a good idea to keep an eye peeled for changes that may present new hazards and remind yourself of safety tips regarding the…

Upgrading Your Electrical Panel - What To Buy?

As you add new household appliances and devices, you may discover that your home wiring is insufficient to handle the load. Individual branch circuits may be inadequate, or you may not have enough power available to begin with, especially in older homes.

You solve the first problem by…

Should You Install a Smart Electric Meter?

The so-called “Internet of Things” is a hot topic these days, and is not without controversy. On the one hand, being able to see inside your house from your phone or tune into the Weather Channel on your refrigerator door has definite advantages—plus it’s pretty cool. At the…

Eliminate Noise from Your Home AV System

Spending hundreds (or even thousands) on new AV equipment only to discover annoying hums, clicks or hisses coming from the speakers can turn excitement into frustration in a hurry. While a malfunctioning component may be the cause, the problem more likely comes from the multitude of electronics in…

Combat Dryness with a Whole House Humidifier

Colorado’s semi-arid climate is particularly noticeable in the winter when furnaces heat up outside air and squeeze the last few drops of moisture out of it.

Indoor humidity can drop to 15% or less at a mile high, causing dry skin, throats, and eyes along with startling shocks…

Dangers of Childhood Lead Poisoning and How to Prevent It

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have determined that there is no safe level for lead in young children’s blood. Even extremely low levels have been shown to have irreversible, life-long effects on IQ, academic achievement, physical development, and attentiveness.

To prevent lead exposure, the CDC…

Does Your Home Have Enough Branch Circuits?

If you’re remodeling, adding on, or doing a full fixer-upper, you need to know if your existing electrical service will safely handle any new loads your project will add. 

First Things First

In order to supply power, you need to have power, and many older homes simply don’t have enough…

Laundry Room Electrical Wiring

If your remodeling or expansion plans include a laundry room, there are some specific requirements that you need to know. 

Circuit Requirements for Electric and Gas Dryers

The first thing to consider is the clothes dryer. Will it be electric or gas? That determines whether you’ll need both…

Need the Power Off? Use an Electric Circuit Breaker Finder!

Ever find yourself doing a little solo DIY electrical work and need to turn off a circuit? Then you go to your electrical panel and the breakers are mislabeled, illegible or unmarked. The MacGyver way is to plug in a radio and start flipping switches or yanking fuses…

Must You Protect Power Feeds at their Source?

Fuses and circuit breakers are designed to stop the flow of electricity when an overload occurs. They’re an essential part of protection against fires and shock hazards and are mandated by code for all feeder circuits in homes and businesses.

Most tripped breakers and blown fuses in service…

All You Need to Know About GFCIs

An electrical circuit is a closed pathway for electrons to flow in order to generate power. That’s why you’ll always see at least two wires in a circuit, a hot (line) wire that carries current to an outlet, switch or appliance, and a return (neutral) wire to carry…

Brace for Winter Storms with a UPS

No, we’re not talking about those guys in a brown truck. In this case, UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply, and when winter storms knock out your electrical service, you’ll be glad you have one. 

Prevent Catastrophic Power Failure to Critical Systems and Devices

Electric Glossary for the Homeowner - Circuits, Currents and Measurements

Everything seems to have its own jargon, and electricity is no exception. Here are some commonly used terms you’re likely to come across. Knowing them will make you a better-informed customer when it comes time for electrical work and buying electric appliances.

AC (alternating current)

Electrical current can…

Backup Generator Benefits

The heavy, wet snowstorms of spring and fall can wreak havoc on power lines, and construction or traffic mishaps are year-round threats to your electric service. With more and more households dependent on electronic devices and the increasing number of people working from home, a prolonged outage can…

Low Voltage Cabling for Your Home

It seems everything is wireless these days. From streaming video and security systems to window shades and baby monitors, if it’s not Wi-Fi, it’s not cool. But cool isn’t necessarily the best, especially when it comes to data transmission and security.

Granted, advances have been made in Wi-Fi…

Interesting Electricity Facts

Electricity is a basic necessity for modern life. We use it to power lights, televisions and computers, charge our phones, run our washers and dryers, and warm our ovens so we can prepare food. Although there are countless other ways we use electricity in our daily lives at…

Prevent Electrical Fires during the Holiday Season

Fall is in the air, and the holiday season is just around the corner. Like most of us, you are probably starting to formulate your plan for decorating your home inside and out. Even though most holiday decorations are designed to withstand the rigors of being put up,…

Advantages of Photovoltaics for Solar Power

You may not be familiar with the term “photovoltaics,” but you will come to know them quite well by the end of this article. Photovoltaics are the small solar cells that make up solar energy panels. You’ve seen them on top of houses, possibly standing in a field,…

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