Go Green, Save Green, Get Green

Seems that everywhere you turn these days, someone is telling you to abandon fossil fuels like gasoline and natural gas and switch to energy-saving electrical products and services. It may be a friend, your HOA, your utility company, or even more likely, your local, state, or federal government.

So what’s in it for me? you may ask. Why should I ditch my car, my furnace and air conditioner, or my stove? We can think of three big reasons. Let’s take a look.

Going Green

Of course there’s that save-the-planet thing, but even if that’s not enough motivation, “going green” has some fairly immediate and tangible benefits. For instance, many modern “green” products save you money (more on that later) and add to your comfort, convenience, and safety.

Electric vehicles are comfortable and come loaded with cool features like automated braking, lane drift warning, and 360° camera coverage. And plenty of fun bells and whistles, too. Plus, if you have a home vehicle charger, you have the added convenience of skipping trips to the gas station.

Heat pumps offer an eco-friendly, all-in-one solution to your heating and cooling needs. They’re even available for water heaters and clothes dryers, adding more to your “green” portfolio.

All-electric kitchens, popular back in the 1950s, are making a comeback as the move away from fossil fuels gains momentum. Some governments are even restricting new natural gas hookups. But with innovations like safe, fast induction cooktops and combo air fryer/toaster ovens, changing to environmentally friendly electric kitchens isn’t the sacrifice it used to be.

Low-energy LED lighting has evolved to the point that nearly all lighting needs can be met by these long-lasting, inexpensive marvels. Switching is as easy as screwing in a light bulb.

Saving Green

With the push to electrification, manufacturers are finding more and innovative ways to design electric appliances and vehicles and with this innovation and its consequent demand, prices are coming down on everything from electric vehicles and appliances to LED lighting. It’s a trend that’s likely to continue so the future of electrification looks brighter than ever.

And that’s even before governments and utilities actually start paying you to go green.

Getting Green

Governments and utilities are usually better at taking money than giving away. But the “green revolution” has opened up the purse strings to incentivize consumers and businesses to reduce their use of fossil fuels. Rebates and tax incentives abound for everything from cars to HVAC systems to appliances. You can even get paid for new windows and adding insulation, not to mention that sometimes they even give away free LED light bulbs.

The incentives are complicated and constantly changing, so check with federal and local sources to see what they’re currently offering. A good place to start is this article on the Allstar Electrical Services Resource Center.

When It’s Time to Go Green, It’s Time to Call a Pro

“Going electric” can be complicated and expensive. If not done carefully, it can cost more than money—it can pose serious risks to both your property and the precious things it houses.

So if you’re ready, or even just thinking about it, let Allstar Electrical Services help you assess the costs and benefits of such a move. Give us a call at 303.399.7420 or visit our website. We’ve served Colorado’s Front Range for over 20 years, are top-rated by the Better Business Bureau and a preferred contractor by Angi’s® Home Advisor. We’re ready to work with you to get the results you expect and deserve, whatever your needs may be.