Spot Cooling (and Heating) Saves Energy

Do you have a room (or two) that’s constantly hot or cold?

Trying to solve that problem with central heat or air certainly isn’t the answer. Industry sources peg heating and cooling costs at nearly 50% of a household’s annual energy costs. And cranking the thermostat up and down only adds to that cost.

Why pay for inefficient climate control when there are so many ways to avoid it…some of them free. Here are some of those ways:

Find the Source

Leaky doors and windows and poor insulation will defeat your attempts to bring comfort under control. Check doors and windows for drafts every season. Seals wear out and replacing them is usually cheap and easy.

Replacing worn out or damaged windows and doors can be expensive but if you need to do it, be sure to buy double or triple pane windows with a low-E rating. Some door types are more efficient than others, too.

Remedying poor insulation can be messy and expensive. Building up attic insulation is the simplest. Much of your tempered air can be lost through your attic but be sure to vent the space properly to avoid heat buildup and damaging moisture.

Adding wall insulation is a bigger task in finished areas, but it can be done with blown-in insulation. While it’s a significant expense, many utilities and government agencies offer financial incentives to do it. Check for offers in your area online.

Take Advantage of Free Things

Your windows and doors (properly sealed, of course) can help cool and warm your house simply by using drapes or blinds to block (or let in) the sun. Evenings in the Mountain West are usually cool due to its dry air and altitude. Opening windows to create a cross breeze can be just as effective as running an air conditioner (and more pleasant). And dressing for the weather can let you carve a few degrees off the thermostat setting.

Low Cost Measures

Fans can provide a cooling breeze in the summer. Both individual and whole house (attic) fans are effective and much less expensive than air conditioning. Ceiling fans work to both cool and warm rooms. Portable air conditioners and space heaters can deal with problem rooms when used properly. Even switching to LED lighting can cut down on heat generated by inefficient tungsten bulbs.

Mini-Split Units - A Permanent Solution

Mini-Split units are a type of high efficiency heat pump that can both heat and cool a space individually. They expand and compress the outside air to heat and cool much like the coils of a refrigerator. Their operating costs are much lower than furnaces or air conditioners so they’re not only thrifty, but also environmentally friendly. Larger units are also made for whole house cooling and heating.

For more information about mini-splits, see this article on the Allstar Electrical Services website.

Allstar Electrical Services is committed to helping you enjoy your home at the lowest possible cost. Our extensive residential services are there to help you reach that goal. Visit our website to learn more. Then email us or give us a call at 303.399.7420 to schedule an appointment.